
I am writing all that I can recall of the experiences and the feelings of growing up, living through the decades from 1950 to 1970. I was born just less than eight years after the second world war in Europe had ended, the British empire was nearing the end stage, 1953 a new monarch and the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, there was still wartime austerity in force and continuing rationing. My life had begun in a Britain that was soon to be on the road to enormous changes in society and culture. By the latter part of the 1950's, the British economy was showing signs of a recovery and consumer goods were being manufactured now for the home market, rather than exclusively for export only. It continued that way, crossing over into the 1960's with more employment available and many young people entering into the jobs market and earning money to spend on themselves for the first time.

Media reporting of the years of 1961 to 1962 brought the fearful "cold war" sharply into public focus and 1963, after a sensational political sex and spy scandal involving a minister within H.M. Government had shocked the nation, weakening the grip of the moral establishment. 1964 followed with a general election victory and a change of political party in Government. Then began a ride on a new wave outlook sweeping through the nation, as I entered my school life as a pupil at Upbury Manor Secondary Modern school. During my six years there, I was witness to the rapid changes, in the world and of all our lives, that make that era such a fascinating and exciting time in history.

Andrew Twort